In 2017, the Eurocorp mega-corporation is born after the world's largest corporate merge together. In 2025, Eurocorp releases the DART chip, a neural implant that allows users to access the dataverse and makes most electronic devices obsolete. As a result of the DART chip, the world is no longer ruled by governments, but by large mega-corporations known as "Syndicates". However, only half of the world's population embraces the chip, while the "unchipped" are abandoned and denied the same benefits afforded by their chipped counterparts. Furthermore, corporate espionage for dominance between Syndicates becomes the norm, resulting in the creation of "Agents": bio-engineered and chip-augmented enforcers who protect the interests of their corporate masters.
Although shocked by Lily's betrayal, Denham decides to have Kilo and Merit keep Lily under surveillance as she is too valuable to simply eliminate. As they observe her in her apartment, Lily has an angry conversation with a person named Kris before she is suddenly kidnapped by the Cayman-Global syndicate. Kilo fights off the Cayman-Global forces and follows Lily's abductors by catching a ride on one of their transports to their floating base in the Atlantic Ocean. Kilo kills a major Cayman-Global agent and rescues Lily, and they learn the syndicate is preparing a war against Eurocorp.
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